The Pizza Heaven

Mezzaluna Pizza Cutter: The Best Tool to Cut Pizza?

A mezzaluna pizza cutter, also called a pizza blade, is perhaps a less-known type of pizza cutter than the regular pizza wheel. Maybe you’ve seen it in the pizza restaurants? The big, badass blade that they cut pizza with next to the pizza oven. Mezzealunas are, however not only for professionals, it’s also a great tool for serious home chefs. This article will teach you everything you need to know about mezzaluna pizza cutters, how to use them, and how to pick the right one.

What Is a Mezzaluna Pizza Cutter?

A mezzaluna pizza cutter is a big blade designed to cut pizza with a rocking motion. The word mezzaluna comes from the Italian word for “half moon”, because of the curved shape of the blade. Even though “mezzaluna” is the most commonly used English name, it’s also often called a pizza blade, because that’s what it looks like, a huge blade.

There are two main types of Mezzaluna cutters: single and double-bladed cutters. Single-bladed ones are the most common, and the best choice for pizza. The double-bladed mezzalunas are often smaller and used for cutting vegetables or mincing herbs.

How to Use a Mezzaluna Pizza Cutter

To use a mezzaluna pizza cutter, just position the blade in the center of the pizza, press it down, and rock back and forth. It should cut through both the crust and toppings easily. You also need a big wooden cutting board to cut the pizza on. You should never cut the pizza directly in a pizza pan, on a pizza stone, or pizza steel, as this will make your blade dull really quick. A big and heavy pizza blade can also seriously damage your pizza pans, or other items you’re cutting the pizza on.

Mezzaluna Pizza Cutter Maintenance

To make sure the pizza blade stays nice and sharp, you need proper care of it.


Like a knife or any other kitchen tool with a blade, you should not put your mezzaluna pizza cutter in the dishwasher. The combination of hot water, detergent, and retelling of the dishwasher is horrible for your blades. Therefore, keep your mezzaluna pizza cutter far from the dishwasher!

Clean the blade in the sink using warm water and soap. If the blade is made out of carbon steel, make sure to dry it properly after washing it to avoid rust.


Most mezzaluna pizza cutters come with a cover, but if yours doesn’t, make sure to store it properly. If you store it in a drawer with other kitchen utilities, make sure the blade doesn’t come in con contact with other items. Proper storage is also important to avoid hurting yourself on the sharp blade. Beware that some cheap pizza blade mezzalunas come with a low-quality, flimsy plastic cover.


If the cutter is often in use, the blade will get dull. You can sharpen a mezzaluna like any other knife. I recommend using a honing rod (affiliate link) regularly to maintain a sharp blade. It’s a little bit harder than doing it with a knife, but it will help the blade stay sharper much longer. When it eventually gets too dull, it can be sharpened using a wet stone (affiliate link).  You can also bring it to your local knife shop, they will sharpen it for a few dollars.

Mezzaluna Pizza Cutter vs Pizza Wheel – Which Cut Pizza Better?

A mezzaluna has a cleaner cut, it’s heavier and sharper than most pizza wheels. Dull pizza cutters usually push the toppings all over the place, while a sharp pizza blade cuts straight through the pepperoni or any other pizza topping. It’s also easier to sharpen a mezzaluna than a pizza wheel. Even though it’s possible to sharpen a pizza cutter, it’s easier to keep your mezzaluna blade sharp.

I’ve got to admit that the first time you use a big mezzaluna it feels a bit intimidating, almost like holding a sword. But it’s very easy to use, and it feels natural to cut pizza with it. 

The main drawback is that it’s pretty big and heavy. It’s just easier to pull out a pizza wheel. But in a professional setting, or if you’re throwing a big pizza party at home, and you’re going to cut a lot of pizza, using a mezzaluna is definitely more efficient.

A mezzaluna might not be for everyone, it’s bigger and heavier than a pizza wheel, but it cuts pizza faster and better than a common pizza wheel. It is also easier to sharpen, and honestly looks pretty cool!

What is the Best Mezzaluna Pizza Cutter?

Considerations When Picking a Cutter

One thing to keep in mind when shopping for a mezzaluna pizza cutter is that it should be at least as long as the diameter of your pizza. If you bake pizzas with a diameter of around 30-35 cm (12-14 inches), you should go for a 40 cm (16 inch) mezzaluna. 

Another thing to consider is the material. Some of the expensive, high-end mezzalunas are made from carbon steel. The benefit of high-quality carbon steel blades is that you can get them really sharp, but the drawback is that they rust more easily.

Another consideration is the handle. The two main types of handles are one, straight, straight horizontal handle, and the second type is two vertical handles, on each side of the blade.

Which one is better for you is a matter of preference. Personally, I prefer the straight one, because I feel that I have better control over the blade.

The Best Mezzaluna Pizza Cutter

Kitchenstar Stainless Steel Pizza Cutter

My top pick is the Kitchenstar 16″ Stainless Steel Pizza Cutter. It’s a sturdy mezzaluna made from stainless steel. It’s delivered with a really nice sharp edge, that you would never find on pizza wheels, that slice through any pizza like nothing.

Kitchenstar Stainless Steel Pizza Cutter comes in two sizes: 14 inches and 16 inches. I recommend going for the bigger one because the smaller one will limit your pizza size. It’s possible to cut a pizza that has a diameter bigger than the length of your cutter, but it’s much easier and more comfortable to cut pizza if the cutter is longer.

The stainless steel is easy to maintain, as it will not rust. It also comes with a nice, plastic cover, which is great for protecting the edge during storage. It also protects your fingers from the sharp blade.

Even though Kitchenstar advertises that it’s dishwasher safe, I would not recommend putting it in the dishwasher. This is bad for any blade!

Kitchenstar Stainless Steel Pizza Cutter is a great product for both professionals and serious home chefs. It’s solid built, and comes with a sharp blade that will cut through any pizza!
